Sharpe OT Services Inc. believes in a multi-disciplinary, team approach. We work closely with educators and other health care professionals, in the best interest of the child. It takes a whole village to raise a child. It is encouraged that our therapists collaborate among the child's "village" of caregivers, teachers, assistants, and other professionals.


We offer internship positions to candidates of occupational therapy programs (students who plan to apply to an OT program in the near future) in order to promote the profession.


We host student placements for OT students from universities across Canada, in order to share what we know about working with the pediatric population.

Community/Work Experience

We offer community based occupational therapy services (in home, parks, stores, library, pools and at job sites. We collaborate with community partners in order to obtain placements for our older clients to gain work experience or volunteer hours for their resume.






Cowichan Autism Treatment Services (children 7-18+ years)

We collaborate with Speech Language Therapist, Tracy Parker and Registered Clinical Counsellor Chloe McKinley, to provide interdisciplinary services to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder ages 7-18+ years.

Bridges Team (18 months - 4 years, at times up to 6 years old)

We are excited to share space at 102-394 Duncan Street with this talented team of speech language therapists and behaviour consultants, led by Janet Harder. All of our OTs are required to be on the Registered Autism Service Provider (RASP) list, and are acquainted with the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) which is used by Bridges to serve children age up to age 4.   

This new partnership enables our staff to collaborate regularly with other professionals, creating a multi-disciplinary perspective which is invaluable to client growth and development.